Who is Fracka Future ?

Over the past 17 years, Fracka has been like an obsessed mad scientist exploring the Non-physical and Energy Work realms.  

After having a stacked assigned entity (aka a ghost) removed at a metaphysics fair, he found his narcolepsy-like symptoms completely disappeared that very day and he was hooked. 

Being an avid personal development student already, this revelation about the power of changing something in a non-physical world was like pouring fuel on the fire on his passion for adventure. He dove headlong into the magic of the non-physical to find just how far down the rabbit hole goes. 

Who is Fracka Future ?

Over the past 17 years, Fracka has been like an obsessed mad scientist exploring the Non-physical and Energy Work realms.  

After having a stacked assigned entity (aka a ghost) removed at a metaphysics fair, he found his narcolepsy-like symptoms completely disappeared that very day and he was hooked. 

Being an avid personal development student already, this revelation about the power of changing something in a non-physical world was like pouring fuel on the fire on his passion for adventure. He dove headlong into the magic of the non-physical to find just how far down the rabbit hole goes. 

As Featured In:


Even at a young early Fracka Future has been surrounded by STRANGER THINGS. From somehow "knowing" at age ten on how to call aliens and then actually doing it to where one showed up for others to see or having wood panels fly through the door at him as he was running out of the room.

Despite these consistent supernatural events, Fracka grounded himself in a more traditional personal development and sports performance with a commitment to training at least twice a day / 7 days a week. Sports and training were his worlds, but the supernatural was calling.  

Besides, when posed the question at a Tony Robbins Seminar, "You can have anything you want," that first that came to mind was: "I want a Star Ship Enterprise and a pet Godzilla," so there was some supernatural needed to make that happen. 

Healing Journey

Fracka Future's healing journey took off that day at the metaphysics fair when the ghost was expelled. The world of Energy Work opened up to him and removed the limitations of what is considered "normal."

Previous supernatural happenings could be embraced instead of ignored, and used as jumping-off points for the miraculous to be revealed. From twenty-eight day water-only fasts to 14 hours straight of running clearings, Fracka was all in.

As with any healing journey, it is littered with tough times like the discovery of having Dissociative Identity Disorder and needing to dig into suppressed childhood trauma.

The biggest gifts in that pain were developing a healing technology called Vibration Shift™ and clearly seeing his healing journey's Divine nature. He discovered that being hooked up to your purpose is a joy like no other.

Healing Journey

Fracka Future's healing journey took off that day at the metaphysics fair when the ghost was expelled. The world of Energy Work opened up to him and removed the limitations of what is considered "normal."

Previous supernatural happenings could be embraced instead of ignored, and used as jumping-off points for the miraculous to be revealed. From twenty-eight day water-only fasts to 14 hours straight of running clearings, Fracka was all in.

As with any healing journey, it is littered with tough times like the discovery of having Dissociative Identity Disorder and needing to dig into suppressed childhood trauma.

The biggest gifts in that pain were developing a healing technology called Vibration Shift™ and clearly seeing his healing journey's Divine nature. He discovered that being hooked up to your purpose is a joy like no other.


With a deep and powerful love of animals, Fracka Future is committed to the Best Friends Animal Society and its mission to save them all. 

Let’s end the puppy and kitten mills and make all shelters, No-kill shelters.

Personal Life

Fracka is deeply passionate about the non-physical and helping people live their most magical lives ever. 

There indeed are no limits in the Non-physical, and it is the blueprint of what gets “printed” out in our physical reality.  

Get To Know Fracka Better:

Fracka's Books

The Rituals of Creating Money

Get More of What You Want

This e-book explores using both mundane and transcendental energies through personal adjustments, behaviors and ritual(s) to assist you in connecting to Source energy so you can access your wealth on a more consistent basis.

Covered in this eBook:

* What are the three levels of energy?

* What are the three levels of symbolism?

* How to measure outcomes?

* What are the 15 exercises to open you up to your money?

Rituals are simply the spending of time and the taking of specific actions which are infused with intention, to focus your energy and create a sacred space to help manifest your desires.

The Feng Shui of Money

Harness Your Environment

This e-book explains how to understand and harness the power of your environment to clear and support your path to money.

* Your outside world mirrors your inside world.

* How simple changes in your environment effect your bottom line.

* More peace in your life as simple as cleaning up clutter.

* How your body can be the best indicator of positive or negative energy.

We begin with basic definitions, then delve into specific Feng Shui techniques, symbology and tips to “activate” your wealth area(s). We also cover how you can “program” your environment to support your financial goals.

The Ebb and Flow of Life

Understanding Your Money Messages

Your Built In GPS

This e-book considers wealth patterns and money paradigms, both in definition and in how to know what yours are.

* What is a Money Paradigm?

* Do you know your money paradigms?

* What are your money saboteurs?

* Is your language of wealth supporting you?

* What are money messages?

* Can these messages be trusted?

Often the lack of clarity in understanding your relationship with money comes from places within your being that need healing. Discover how your money is talking to you.

The Eight Money Lies

A Different Perspective

This eBook is designed to help you understand how to claim your money magic by understanding and consciously using your own personal wealth manifestation process.

* What is getting in your way personally?

* Which part of your money formula is out of balance?

* Is there a short cut to success waiting for you, if you could just get the incite?

* Are you taking care of the goose that lays the golden egg?

By exploring the roles of your own self-nurturing, and practical action steps to take, you will be able to more easily claim your own money magic.

Why Lie About Money?

Finding Your Money Formula

Claiming Your Money Magic

This eBook is designed to help you understand how to claim your money magic by understanding and consciously using your own personal wealth manifestation process.

* What is getting in your way personally?

* Which part of your money formula is out of balance?

* Is there a short cut to success waiting for you, if you could just get the some insight?

* Are you taking care of the "goose that lays the golden egg"?

By exploring the roles of your own self-nurturing, and practical action steps, you will be able to more easily claim your own money magic.

Release Your Power to Attain Wealth

The Triggers, Limitations, Codependency and Responsibility of Money

The Magic of Limitations

This eBook explores the energy around money. Much of the programming about money throughout the ages is focused on the perception limitation and lack.

* Is feeling successful a choice?

* What is your wealth generation potential?

* Can you avoid the control of money?

* Where have you become codependent with money?

* Does the global economy dictate your personal financial condition?

As you begin to open up and understand the nuances of how money stimulates you and your response to it, you give yourself more power in creating a new relationship with wealth.

Do you want to step into your purpose FULLY? 

Do you know, there is something much greater inside if you could just release it? 

Join me on the magical adventure of remembering your true self and start on the consistent path of building the life of your dreams, which you most definitely deserve.

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Vibration Shift LLC

1621 Central Avenue,

Cheyenne WY 82001

Who Is Fracka Future?

Over the past 17 years, Fracka has been like an obsessed mad scientist exploring the Non-physical and Energy Work realms.  

After having a stacked assigned entity (aka a ghost) removed at a metaphysic fare only to find his narcolepsy-like symptoms completely disappeared that day, he was hooked. 

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1621 Central Avenue, Cheyenne WY 82001